The Institute of Unnecessary Research


The Institute of Unnecessary Research consists of a group of artists and scientists who explore a new way of viewing the world through the use of interdisciplinary methods and connective aesthetics. One of the founders of the institution is artist Anna Dumitriu whose work connects the fields of art, science and philosophy.The outcome of their works consists of installations, performance and audience experiences which bring together art, science and philosophy. The work ranges from awe inspiringly beautiful to grotesque confronting the audience with questions about knowledge production of the 21st Century. The institute allows artists to take on the role of a scientist almost in a performative manor, allowing them to experiment with scientific materials and technology which may not have usually been available to them. In the same way, scientists take on a more artistic approach through he production of political or commercial purposes. This new way of working allows for the extension of audience which in time will influence member of that audience to become ‘Unnecessary Researchers’ in their own rights. The research conducted collaboratively between artists and scientists is presented to the audience through performative or experimental methods, such as workshops, in order to engage members of the public as well as giving members of the audience the chance to participate in new research and learn about their work through experimentation and participation.

I feel that The Institute of Unnecessary Research is something that will hugely benefit the development of the collaboration between art and science due to not only the chance for artists to access new scientific material, but the opportunity for the public to engage through observation and participation. For me this is an important aspect of my work as I aim to create something which will engage someone who would not usually research into microscopic disease or necessarily understand much about it on an aesthetic level.

References:, (n.d.). The Institute of Unnecessary Research. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2014].

One thought on “The Institute of Unnecessary Research

  1. Pingback: Anna Dumitriu | Kath Howard

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